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Sunday, 5 February 2012

Updated - The Trouble With Me

Well, hello again!
I'm sorry if some of you are sick of reading these acne/skincare posts but I do hope they help someone out there!
As you'll know if you read my previous post on my acne, I had been having a major breakout, like the worst one in AGES and it was just sore, dry and I didn't know what to do or where to start. It was really getting me down so I thought it was time to really think about what might have happened to cause me to have such a big breakout.
After having an informal chat with someone at Clinique in boots, the lady told me my skin seemed to be bacterial and hormone related acne and I'd need to see the doctor to get some antibiotics. Now, having been on antibiotics before I just wasn't keen on going on them again, because i didn't think they helped and being on them long term, well, you never know what the long tern affects might be. I'm the kind of person that hates to take a painkiller for a headache never mind an antibiotic so going down that route was just out of the question for me.
I decided to treat my skin naturally the best way I could, even if I could just calm the inflammation, I'd be happy so i decided to use the Honey&Olive Oil face mask method. I'll go through all the steps so you guys can try this out for yourself, even if you don't have acne it's sytill a wonderful thing to do for your skin as the honey contains antioxidants and antibacterial properties while the oil cleanses the skin deep down into the layers of skin.

You'll need:
Extra virgin olive oil (it has to be virgin so it's pure and won't irritate the skin)
Pure honey, I used clear although organic would be better.
A little pot, a rinsed out yoghurt tub would do the job.
A clean face, free of makeup and anything else.

Ok so you want to pour half a teaspoon of oil into your pot then a whole teaspoon of honey and mix them together with your spoon. With clean fingertips, gently smooth on the honey and oil mixture onto the face and neck in a generous layer and leave for as long as desired. I left it on for about an hour whilst watching the soaps :). When you remove the mask use warm water only using circular motions. It might take a little while to rinse it all off your face but do be gentle. After rinsing, pat the face and neck dry and apply your usual moisturiser and your done! Your face should feel soothed and moisturised.

Hope this is helpful to you guys and I hope you try it out :)


  1. wow this sounds like a brilliant idea!

    Marie x

  2. It's a great thing to try and most people have honey and oil tucked in a cupboard somewhere x

  3. im never sick of reading acne post since i am dealing with skin problems myself so thumbs up :)
